motherhood Laura Bass motherhood Laura Bass


“Mommy, I can’t find the Phillips head screwdriver” my industrious five year old says. He wants so badly to change the batteries so we can play a game together while my three year old takes a rare nap.

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home, lifestyle Laura Bass home, lifestyle Laura Bass


When I was a few months pregnant with my oldest, my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer. We were told he had 6-12 months to live, and I prayed every day that he would live long enough to meet my baby, his first grandchild.

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November Already?
fall, family Laura Bass fall, family Laura Bass

November Already?

Happy Friday!

It is hard to believe it is ALREADY November! This fall is flying by, and this week has been so busy and fun with all the Halloween celebrations - before we know it, we'll be at Thanksgiving, Christmas and in to 2018!

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lifestyle Laura Bass lifestyle Laura Bass


I'm Laura and I'm a thirty-something stay at home mom with a passion for creativity and the written word.

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