

Seven years and one day ago, we returned home after a day of tailgating and college football. Despite being very pregnant, I’d had a great time at the game, enjoying what I knew would probably be one of my last social outings for a while. Walking in the front door, I started to feel a little off. I was suddenly flushed and exhausted, weak and a little disoriented.

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Leap of Faith
thirty days of grateful, stories, camp Laura Bass thirty days of grateful, stories, camp Laura Bass

Leap of Faith

Standing on a tiny platform high in the air, I looked around, taking in the birds eye view. I peeked at the ground below, hesitated a little bit. Gathering my courage, I took a step off the Leap of Faith. Plummeting to the ground, I shrieked in exhilaration and terror, laughed with relief as the rope caught me and my feet touched solid ground.

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Hand Carved Birds & Little Wooden Chairs

Hand Carved Birds & Little Wooden Chairs

When I was five, my grandfather died, and the kindergarten circus was at the same time as his funeral. My memories of the two things are all mixed up: it was the first funeral I went to, and when I think about it, I remember jumping through a hula hoop meant to be a ring of fire at the circus dress rehearsal and also my parents checking me out of school before the actual circus for the funeral, walking to the car, confused about what death really meant and what a funeral would be like.

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