The Carpool Line
The first hint of a fall breeze trickles into my gold Honda Odyssey as I reach across the passenger seat to find my carpool tag. In the rearview mirror, I see my toddler kicking his bare feet, his shoes and socks joining the army of others scattered across the floor of my minivan.

Are You On Mute?
The music teacher's enthusiastic introduction floats from the speakers of the laptop, where my first grader is supposed to be attending his fourth google meet of the day. I’m assisting my four-year-old with gluing a freight train on a large piece of paper in the other room.

Thank You, Kindergarten Teachers
It's been a school year no one could have imagined. One Friday, I picked my kindergartner up in carpool with a packet of at home activities, usernames, passwords, and extra library books "just in case we are out next week" and here we are closing out the school year virtually, with no idea what next school year may look like.

CoronaSchool: The Beginning
Yesterday, the NC governor announced that schools would be closed until at least May 15, due to the coronavirus pandemic. That effectively ended the preschool year for my three year old, and whether or not my kindergartener will return to school this year remains to be seen.

Three. Two. One.
Three little boys, to wake up and get fed, teeth brushed, dressed and loaded in the minivan. Car seats buckled and we’re off to the elementary school drop off line. We pass the dancing crossing guard that always makes us smile, and pull into the carpool line.

The First Day
It’s a moment that I’ve known was coming. A moment I felt completely unprepared for. I've thought about this day. I've known that it would be hard, that I would be a wreck. It's the start of a new chapter of our lives, a clear statement that my little boy isn’t so little anymore.